εvo3 stands for extra virgin organic olive oil. However, evo3 means a lot more than that. It is an evolution that begins and ends with choice. For every bottle sold, a tree will be planted. This is a choice that can make the world a better place.
Founder of Evo3 olive farms
Fivetwenty delivers premium quality, hand selected products from the Hellenic fertile land.
Dishcover is a mission-led, traveltech startup that aims to allow users explore a place and its stories through its people and flavours. In other words to taste a place through experiential guides and human-centric guides made by local personalities. However, we do not plan to announce anything earlier than September 21.
Coffe-Eco collects used coffee grounds from cafes and coffee shops and uses them as the base for their skincare products. The natural antioxidants and caffeine in the coffee grounds have been shown to have anti-aging and rejuvenating effects on the skin.
A viable green and sustainable vertical farm powered by sustainable forms of energy producing organic and hydroponic microgreens from traceable, biological, certified, non GMO seeds. Trade of biodegradable microgreens growing kits, seeds and equipment is among future activities.