Advanced Intelligent Robotics is a knowledge-intensive company focusing on critical innovation in the field of autonomous mobile & cyber physical systems, as well as on research, technological development & innovation activities (RD&I) and the commercial exploitation of high-value intellectual property.
Founder & Chief Robotics Engineer at Airbots
Gaia Robotics is a team of remote sensing and geospatial analysis experts working for agricultural producers. Gaia Robotics assists customers using advanced scientific sensors and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in acquiring, processing, and analyzing agricultural data, often by the next business day. Gaia Robotics develops applications to help farmers efficiently manage their crops and plantations by providing actionable insights extracted from drone-collected images.
Infoscope Hellas has developed Meterscope, an Industry 4.0 ready monitoring system that ensures food product quality from farm to shelf. It intelligently manages data collected from IoT devices in order to digitize and automate HACCP procedures and business operations throughout the food value chain.
The company is involved in computerized systems for agriculture, hydroponics, environmental control, meteo stations, pumping and filtration systems, water treatment and management, irrigation systems,large-scale plantation and monitoring with use of meteo stations for efficient irrigation and plant health care and indoor growing facilities.
En Agris helps individuals and organisations, universities and governments to make better use of drone technology in their industries in order to realise their goals.